
Who am I ?  Here is my short story...

I was born in 1966, in a remote fishing village on the east coast of Malaysia, and grew up living in various parts of that country until my parents migrated to Australia in 1978 when I was about 12.  That was quite a culture shock for me, but I loved it.

I spent high school in boarding school in Adelaide, which I also loved, as it taught me all about independence and self reliance, which would server me well later in life.  High school is also where I learned about rock and roll, and first took up playing the guitar and formed my first band.

After high school, I studied full time to be a Commercial Pilot, gaining my licence in 1985.  However, flying jobs at the time were scarce, and so I got a job working at a local IBM dealership in 1986.  So began my love of computers and computer programming.

I started my own programming consulting business around 1989, when I was still in my early twenties, and have worked for myself ever since that time.

I love creating things with code, and I love working with small business people who are driven and creative, and want to use technology to make things work better.

In my downtime, I still love playing guitar and music in general, as well as trying to become a better cook.

In 1996 I married the woman I love (who is an artist), and we now have two fantastic young boys (who are also keen musicians - allowing me to vicariously re-live my rock and roll days of youth again).

We all live in the topical north of Australia, and have two black cats called Desmond and Gordon.